juicer filter basket industry do not like salesmen
Today we received a salesman asked whether juicer filter basket phone do product promotion, because it was busy, straight to the point I would say that we do not have the intention, after the will need to contact them.
Surprisingly, the sales staff does not seem happy, fiery educate me about it: "Do you know what products to promote product promotion and do you know the house to do the best you what name they call their agent?? those well-known brands? Why you do not, you do not always have a reason for that, right? ...... "I simply hung up the phone directly.
In fact, to do business with a sense of responsibility is a good thing, sometimes a little strong may not be entirely a bad thing. But whatever you do have to pay attention to strategy, do not be arrogant.
Salesman is the industry pioneer in opening up markets, an important representative of the corporate image, you must have the appropriate professional quality and condition. Some people think that a good salesman should have a filter philosopher's mind, wisdom of scientists, the great general of decisive, diplomat demeanor, scout's eyes, the athletes physique, love the enthusiasm, eloquent orator , religionists dedication, reformist vision.
Salesman was once a humble, being looked down career, but with the development of the economic situation, the advances in technology, changes in the market from a seller's to a buyer's market, nowadays, almost all industries into a buyer's market, but also by businessman the lowest level in ancient China (segment of society, namely reading, farmers, workers, businessmen), became the radiant star. As a businessman salesman type, but also attracted people of all ages.
According to authoritative statistics, more than 90 percent of the wealthy are starting from a salesman dry, Chinese richest man Li Ka-shing is typical of many large companies have mostly senior management experience in the salesman.
There does not need to show how a salesman of conservation, to make the customer feel that he went to the company as in your own home free, casual like.